Thursday, July 9, 2009

Charles de Gaulle

Well, landed in Paris around 8am local time, though it's still 2 am Philly time. And I think I finally realized that this is for real about the time that we were passing the UK. Kinda figured that signaled the point of no return.
The group seems to be bonding well, which is very well and good since these are the most of the only Americans we'll know for the next 27 months. There's 32 of us in the group, prolly a 2/3 majority of them women. I believe we're all in our 20's and cover most of the States.
And by the way, things are very expensive here (maybe it's just that it's the airport). Lunch just cost me 7.50 euros for a half liter of water and an 8-inch pre-made sandwhich. Comes out to somewhere around $11+ (according to my mental math) for something I'm gunna try to stretch out as much as possible (if the trip across the Atlantic w/ complimentary dinner and breakfast was any hint, I shouldn't expect to enjoy very much of the Lunch provided at all).
And that's about all for now. My time on internet is close to running out (2 euros for 15 minutes), and boarding is coming up. This will probably be my last internet connection for several weeks, so no updates coming along unless it is from my parents saying they've received the confirmation email that we arrived safe and sound in Niamey.
Should be arriving in Niamey sometime in the mid-late evening local time (approx. noon-time back in SD), so we'll be getting our first taste of Niger food this evening. Wish me Luck!

I'll provide updates and pictures as able.

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